TISAX is an assessment and exchange mechanism for the information security of enterprises and allows recognition of assessment results among the participants. If you want... Read more
ENX network is a joint solution from the European automotive industry for the secure exchange of critical development, purchasing, and production control data used by more than 1,000... Read more
ENX VCS is a standardised certification of an implemented CyberSecurity Management System in the automotive supply chain according to ISO/SAE 21434 and ISO/PAS 5112. … Read more
The increasing digitalisation of vehicle systems through automation, connectivity and new mobility concepts is increasing the requirements for cyber security in product development and product maintenance across large parts of the automotive industry's value chain and over the life cycle of vehicles. This makes it necessary for manufacturers and suppliers to manage risks based on standardised procedures to maintain vehicle and component security along the value chain.
With the TISAX assessment document, ENX now offers TISAX participants the option of retrieving an automatically generated document with the TISAX assessment data. This document fulfils these terms of use. It provides information about the scope information, the TISAX assessment and the associated objectives.
As we announced in our last newsletter, together with the implementation of ISA version 6 , some changes were also made to the TISAX assessment objectives and the corresponding TISAX labels. This affects the existing "Info High" and "Info Very High" labels. The changes for these "Info" labels follow the path already described in the article TISAX labels available."
ISA 6 significantly enhances incident and crisis management requirements, adds new controls and requirements to further strengthen ransomware and APT resilience, and confirms its applicability to shopfloor IT and OT by mapping and referencing the ISA/IEC 62443-2 standard.