Overview of all committees

ENX WG TISAX Assessment
The ENX WG TISAX Assessment is a working group composed of experts and auditors from all approved TISAX Audit Providers. At regular intervals, assessment-related topics around TISAX are discussed in physical on-site workshops or online meetings.
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ENX WG Prototype Security
WG PTS comprises experts from automotive manufacturers. It develops and maintains the Prototype security part of TISAX and it defines the protection of the processing, storage, documentation and use of prototypes, prototype parts and test vehicles.
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ENX WG Supply Chain Cyber Security
The WG (SCCS) consists of experts from global automotive manufacturers and suppliers. In regular online meetings, they exchange information on the topic of cyber security - risks in the supply chain, as well as on prevention and support measures.
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ENX WG Vehicle Cyber Security
ENX WG VCS comprises experts from automotive manufacturers and suppliers. The group develops and maintains a third-party management system audit scheme that evaluates the cybersecurity management system (CSMS) of VCS relevant suppliers.
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