ENX WG Vehicle Cyber Security

Since 2024 Active

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The ENX Working Group Vehicle Cybersecurity (WG VCS), comprising experts from global automotive OEMs, Tier-1 system suppliers as well as engineering and software development providers, has been formed to create and establish a third-party management system audit scheme to evaluate the Cybersecurity Management System of automotive suppliers. The audit catalogue, developed as part of the ENX VCS audit scheme, implements the audit guidelines of the ISO/PAS 5112 in the context of the ISO/SAE 21434 and the generic management system structure as defined in Annex SL of ISO/IEC directives.

The work of the WG VCS is to continue working on managing the ENX VCS audit criteria catalogue and also the audit scheme to provide standardised, comparable and customer-independent results and reduces compliance efforts and costs for customers and suppliers alike. The WG VCS provides expert advice in regard to ACAR improvement and also to the Working group of VCS auditors.


Managing the VCS audit scheme
  • Taking care of the strategic development of the VCS audit catalogue
  • Development and Improvement fo the VCS audit process.
  • Monitoring and integrating relevant aspects pertaining upcoming vehicle cybersecurity standards and frameworks into the VCS audit scheme.
  • Creating release documents and coordinating releases and their publication
Providing expert advice
  • Giving expert advice regarding the ACAR improvement and the VCS Handbook to the staff of the ENX Association.
  • support a future working group of VCS auditors.
Feedback on standardization activities
  • Providing and incorporating feedback on standardization activities eg. ISO working group
  • Supporting ENX in establishing a potential advisory committee for the VCS scheme.
  • Creating information and support documentation regarding VCS implementation and VCS auditing (e.g. whitepapers).



  • Hayk Hamazaryan, ZF Friedrichshafen AG


  • Development and release of the ENX VCS audit criteria catalogue for vehicle cybersecurity audits.

Mode of work

monthly online