The main task of the WG PTS is to develop and maintain the Prototype Protection part of ISA. It defines requirements for the protection of handling and storage of prototype vehicles, prototype parts, and test vehicles. The Prototype Protection part is integrated into the ISA assessment catalog by the WG ISA.
The group is exchanging on the state of the art with regard to protect prototypes, prototype parts and test vehicles from unwanted disclosure or loss. This includes exchanging with other working groups such as the WG TISAX Assessment.
Gain insights are used for regular reviews of the defined requirements as well as to guide the development direction.
The group supports the ENX in setting definitions for prototype protection assessment scopes for the TISAX assessment. This includes the prototype protection objectives that deal with physical and environmental security, organizational requirements and requirements for handling prototype vehicles, prototype parts and test vehicles.
- Create a standardized Prototype Security audit scheme for the supplier as part of TISAX
- Standardize a 3rd party management system audit scheme for Prototype Security as part of TISAX
- Continuously improve and maintain TISAX Prototype Security assessment scope scheme with representatives of the automotive industry

Serpil Kurt, Mercedes-Benz Group AG
- Norbert Gößnitzer, Audi AG
- Andreas Kubis, Opel Automobile GmbH
- Andreas Schmidt, Volkswagen AG
- Hans Jochen Benjamin Schneider, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
- Regina Busse, BMW AG
- Definition of TISAX Prototype Security assessment scope as part of ISA catalogue
Mode of work
Quarterly Online & physical (distribution 3/1)